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Lynn Katz

Author & Educator

Pages of Book

New Release

Chester and the Magic 8 Ball (2023)

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"An uplifting middle-grade story that meets sadness head-on and cuddles up to what’s important in life."

Kirkus Reviews (starred review)


Twelve-year-old Georgia is convinced her rescue dog can tell the future with a spin of her Magic 8 Ball. She wants to believe Chester when he reassures her that the “outlook is good” for her parents’ troubled marriage. But when it’s a matter of life and death, Chester stops cooperating, and Georgia must learn the difference between probability and magic. She must discover her own power to increase the odds of a happy ending.

Front cover of the book Chester and the Magic 8 Ball by Lynn Katz, with a drawing of a young girl sitting on her bed with her dog.
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Upcoming Appearances

Author Lynn Katz is available for virtual and in-person reading, educational, and discussion events for libraries, book clubs, groups, and organizations.

"Over the years, I've seen many authors speak to my students. All have been inspiring and highly effective. But none have ever explicitly, strategically taught my students to become better writers like Lynn did. None walked into my classroom with a writing lesson that excited my students and had them begging to write before she walked out the door. This is what you get when the author in question is also a former educator. Inspiration and instruction. Real-world publishing perspectives with lessons designed to make that real-world feel a little more possible and attainable to young minds."


Matthew Dicks

Best-selling author, 10-time Moth GrandSLAM champion

and 5th-grade teacher, Wolcott School, West Hartford, CT


About Lynn Katz

Lynn Katz is a former teacher, curriculum writer, and school principal with a soft spot in her heart for toothless rescue dogs. A full-time fiction writer, her debut novel, The Surrogate, was published in May 2021. Her middle-grade novel, Chester and the Magic 8 Ball, was published in February 2023 and received a Kirkus Starred Review in March 2023.

© 2023 by Lynn Katz

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